Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Simply Megan & Aaron

Megan and Aaron were such a fun couple to shoot!! And it doesn't hurt that they are both gorgeous, too. :) The Lord really made this session awesome, because I keep thinking about how fun it would be to take pictures in the rain, and it started raining right before we were about to head home. Those two were drenched, but they got some incredible photos out of it, that's for sure!!

Oh, and might I just mention that these two met at a COLDTRAIL CONCERT (my husband's band!)!! What can I say? Nathaniel and I are destined to spark romance... he with his music, me with my photography. Love it! (check out Nate's band at

Here are a few on my favorites - both wet and dry pictures. ENJOY!

To view the rest of the album, click here.
Shelby Leigh

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