Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 3: What Drives Your Life?

"Day 3: What drives your life?" was really good. Honestly, it wasn't one that really made me think more deeply about my life, but it was more factual and informative.

People are driven by the following:
- Guilt
- Resentment/Anger
- Fear
- Materalism
- Need for Approval

Knowing your purpose gives:
- Meaning to your life
- Simplifies your life
- Focuses your life
- Motivates your life
- Prepares you for eternity

This was neat to read because I could think of people I know that are controlled by one of those five drives and the description of their lifestyles were dead-on.

Although I can't say I know my purpose completely, I definitely feel the desire to have what purpose gives. One thing I liked was the 'simplified life'.

I love what Dr. Laura always says to stressed moms... "Stop taking them to their friend's houses, baseball games, etc. Stay home and have a family night. I have not had one person come to me for counseling that said, 'My life was terrible because my parents made me stay home and spend time with them'. Doing things for your kids is great, but when your life becomes so busy with things that aren't as important as your family, in this instance, that is when simplifing your life is important. Being the best mom you can be (without the stress) is more important than a kids' baseball game.

This past year has been a great time where I've simplified my life. I have stopped worrying about people who don't bring me up and focus on the true friends that have. In the instance of our Bible study, Nathaniel and I are trying to turn off our television to stop wasting time and to make time for what's really important - our time with God.

I would say that brings up the topic that purpose gives us FOCUS.

I love the verse Ephesians 5:17.
"Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants."

I want my focus to always be trying to understand what God wants from me.

At the end of this chapter, Rick Warren presented two crucial questions God will ask you on judgment day.

Question One: What did you do with my son, Jesus Christ? God won't ask about your religious background or doctrinal views. (I love that!) The one thing that will matter is, did you accept what Jesus did for you (dying on the cross to give us salvation) and did you learn to love and trust him?

Question Two: What did you do with what I gave you? What did you do with your life - all the gifts, talents, opportunities, energy, relationships, and resources God gave you? Did you spend them on yourself or did you use them for the purposes God made for you?

What would your friends and family say is your 'driving force' and what do you want them to say?

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