Monday, April 20, 2009

2 Chronicles 7:14

Saturday night, I started reading this new book I checked out from the library. My favorite author, Robin Jones Gunn, writes "Sisterchick" books about women in their 40's and 50's who go on some kind of trip together and bond through wild adventures and great times with God. Well, after reading the first chapter on "Sisterchicks in Gondillas", I started thinking about how I don’t want to wake up when I’m 45-50 and wonder if I’m doing what God called me to do or if He has a bigger plan for me. I want to walk in that plan now!!

So Nathaniel, being the wonderful husband and partner that he is, came in and talked with me about the kind of things that keep us from being our best for God. We decided one major change we could make was to stop praying “Lord, help me do this or help me do that...” but pray more things like, “Lord, direct people to come into my life who I can benefit and share your love with. Guide me to do your will.” etc. It was a real time of spiritual bonding for Nathaniel and me… and then Sunday’s sermon confirmed everything we talked about. The sermon was about this verse:

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Pastor Garcia talked about the specifics in the verse - what it means to “humble ourselves”, “pray”, “seek God’s face” and “turn from our wicked ways”. The part about prayer was exactly what we discussed the night before – about praying for God’s will in our lives and that our lives would be meaningful to Christ. It was one of those sermons where Nathaniel would squeeze my hand as if to say, "we just talked about that" or "God is really up to something, isn't He?" :)

Well, while sitting in church, I had a genius idea. I planned to get up early, make breakfast and then Nathaniel and I could start the mornings with a little prayer time… but then I remembered turkey season started this morning, so my idea will just have to wait!

But for now, I am thankful that God teaches us the importance of praying HIS WILL and not our own... and for speaking to our hearts at home when we are alone and at church when we are surrounded by believers. God is good!

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